Accepted Papers

On Steiner Trees of the Regular Simplex

with Guillermo A. Gamboa Q., Karthik C. S., Josef Matějka, and Jakub Petr. Accepted to JoCG.

Inapproximability of Maximum Diameter Clustering for Few Clusters

with Kyrylo Karlov, Karthik C. S., Ashwin Padaki, and Stepan Zharkov. Accepted to SODA 2025.

Inapproximability of Discrete Steiner Tree Problem in $\ell_p$-metrics

with Karthik C. S. and Surya Teja Gavva.

2024 ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2024), 1669–1703.

TheoretiCS, Volume 4 (2025), Article 4, 1-53.

Spanning Adjacency Oracles in Sublinear Time

with Greg Bodwin.

2024 Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science, 287 (ITCS 2024), 19:1–19:21.

Optimal Point Sets Determining Few Distinct Angles

with Steven J. Miller, Eyvindur A. Palsson, Ethan Pesikoff, and Charles Wolf.

Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 87(1) (2023), 165–181.

Distinct Angle Problems and Variants

with Hongyi B. Hu, Faye Jackson, Steven J. Miller, Eyvindur A. Palsson, Ethan Pesikoff, and Charles Wolf.

Discrete & Computational Geometry (2023).

The Bergman Game

with Benjamin Baily, Justine Dell, Irfan Durmić, Faye Jackson, Isaac Mijares, Steven J. Miller, Ethan Pesikoff, Luke Reifenberg, Alicia Smith Reina, and Yingzi Yang.

The Fibonacci Quarterly, 60(5) (2022), 18–39.

Distinct Angles in General Position

with Sergei V. Konyagin, Steven J. Miller, Eyvindur A. Palsson, Ethan Pesikoff, and Charles Wolf.

Discrete Mathematics, 346(4) (2023), 113283.

Limiting Spectral Distributions of Families of Block Matrix Ensembles

with Teresa Dunn, Faye Jackson, Simran Khunger, Steven J. Miller, Luke Reifenberg, Alexander Shashkov, and Stephen Willis.

PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research, 5 (2022), 122–147.

Submitted Papers

The Generalized Bergman Game

with Benjamin Baily, Justine Dell, Irfan Durmić, Faye Jackson, Isaac Mijares, Steven J. Miller, Ethan Pesikoff, Luke Reifenberg, Alicia Smith Reina, and Yingzi Yang.

Irreducibility Over the Max-Min Semiring

with Benjamin Baily, Justine Dell, Faye Jackson, Steven J. Miller, Ethan Pesikoff, and Luke Reifenberg.


Large sets are sumsets (coming soon)

with Benjamin Baily, Justine Dell, Charlie Dever, Adam Dionne, Faye Jackson, Leo Goldmakher, Gal Gross, Steven J. Miller, Ethan Pesikoff, Huy Pham, Luke Reifenberg, and Vidya Venkatesh.

Other Papers

Evaluating the Outcome of the 2022 United States Redistricting Cycle: A Nonpartisan Review.

Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy CLOSUP Student Working paper.

Efficient $(j,k)$-Domination on Chess Graphs

with Daniela Elizondo, Brendan Rooney, and Rachel Thornton.